Visa Processing

Visa Processing & Guidance How do we help?

  • Avoiding Mistakes

    Even a minuscule, insignificant mistake can result in Visa rejection,we give attention to every detail as we know very rarely a student receives the opportunity to correct the error
  • Planning Financials

    Visa applications require the student to show that they have adequatefunds to support themselves, we guide in calculating funds in foreign exchange & make sure to reach the minimum threshold
  • Document Verification

    We verify & assist students in Attestation/Apostille of Documents andImplementation of the right practice as per the visa guidelines set by respective countries
  • Choosing the right Visa

    Immigration Laws are complex & confusing, Many Countries have differentcategories of Visa with slightly different roles & eligibility criteria, so we help you find the right one.
  • Mock Interviews

    The students are asked tough questions by the Interviewer to study & understand their notion while looking for any sign of doubt or lie. So we train students to built confidence & give honest answers promptly
  • Meeting the Requirements

    Universities usually have different entry requirements, a basic set of qualifications that all students have to meet before starting a degree. we aid students to have complete & accurate documents